Last class I totally changed my topic to focus in on the casinos in Detroit. I feel that the casinos are providing detroit with the most uplift the city has seen in a while. A lot of people dont like their being a l ot of casinos in the city because they feel it will take away from the city. Hello! look around. whats it going to take. They say they dont want a city like Las Vegas. Whats wrong with vegas? WHo doesnt love it their. We arnt doing too well as a city for business, so why not switch over to a city of entertainment?
I think your take on the las vegas style detroit is great, i really like it. I also liked your other viewpoint. If you needed another view point you could say something about how the whole city would be dependent on casinos. Basically if the casinos left, detroit would die, literally.
I agree about casinos keeping Det afloat, but maybe you should consider the other side for your paper. One thing I recall Prof DeGenaro talking about was getting all sides of the story. Maybe talk about some of the voices of concern for turning into a mini Vegas?
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