change oriented leadership.
over the years there have been many different types of leadership. in todays business world things are always changing, and a leader must fit that description. change oriented leadership focuses on staying ahead of the curve. there needs to b a constant flow of new ideas. the old saying about businesses goes if the business isnt growing its dying. the numbers must always be higher and the products or services must always be better. some company leaders are having their own employees take part in this at the work place. they allow the employees to work on some type of hobby that they have for 1 hr per day, then when they get to the point where they wish they had something ( that doesnt yet exist) that would make the hobby or job easyier. than they give feedback to the company about new products they wish they had.
by teaching change they keep people thinking outside of the box becoming more and more creative.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Friday, April 13, 2007

I am having trouble expanding on my paper about the casinos. I am really trying to get the message out that the casinos are detroits last chance to survival. THis topic is very interesting for me because i have always lived in metro detroit and i plan on staying around for a while. I want to have something to do around here, so the more casinos the merrier.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

As we aproach the end of comp 106 I think back to the first day of class. When I first heard of the blogging that we would be doing, I really thought it would just be a big pain in the ass. As we did it all semester it actually turned out to be not so bad. I doubt I will continue to blog, but it was cool to experiment with a different type of writing. I learned a lot from this class, but I still cant wait to be done with this semester.
Monday, April 9, 2007
The end is near

I cant wait for school to be finished. THis semester has been very rough with school and work and I cant wait to get through it. working forty hours a week this summer will be like a vacation. pretty soon I will be starting up my baseball league with people I used to go to high school with. Thats always fun because everyone is usually pretty out of shape, and none of us are the greatest. But nonetheless I cant wait.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Paper Coming Up

Last class I totally changed my topic to focus in on the casinos in Detroit. I feel that the casinos are providing detroit with the most uplift the city has seen in a while. A lot of people dont like their being a l ot of casinos in the city because they feel it will take away from the city. Hello! look around. whats it going to take. They say they dont want a city like Las Vegas. Whats wrong with vegas? WHo doesnt love it their. We arnt doing too well as a city for business, so why not switch over to a city of entertainment?
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Paper Topic
For my local issue or topic I really want to look into the issue of changing the name of Comerica park. I know there is a long contract involved but I want to find out more on whether or not the city is able to break it or not.
If I find out that there isn't enough info on this topic than I will change it to something else about the city of Detroit. I am just really interested in what the city is doing and what they plan on doing in the future. I have lived in the Metro Detroit area my whole life and I really don't see myself moving, so I really want the city to shape up.
If I find out that there isn't enough info on this topic than I will change it to something else about the city of Detroit. I am just really interested in what the city is doing and what they plan on doing in the future. I have lived in the Metro Detroit area my whole life and I really don't see myself moving, so I really want the city to shape up.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
There Is Still Hope In Detroit.
When you read the newspaper or watch the news on television you will hear a lot of bad things about Detroit. The media almost always seems to be negative. After all this is what gets people's attention. The media always speaks about how bad the businesses are doing in Detroit. If you take a trip downtown you will see plenty of thriving businesses that have been around for such a long time, as well as many new ones. Detroit is not doing as bad as the media makes it look. Detroit is continuously growing and is looking toward the future. One thing that the media has blown out of proportion recently is how Comerica Bank is pulling there headquarters out of Detroit. Yes it is difficult since our famous ballpark is named after the bank, but as far as the jobs leaving Michigan, there are only 200. Those 200 people are not even losing their jobs, they are just being relocated to Dallas.

Ford Field is a very thriving business in Detroit which provides a lot of jobs to the community.

The Fox Theatre has been a very important part of Detroit and actually has plans to expand and possibly purchase another building.
In this picture above there are some of the many condos that have been recently built trying to attract more people to live in the city.

The Detroit Casinos are another huge part of Detroit. They provide a lot of jobs and the taxes from the casino really help the city of Detroit. the second picture is of the brand new hotel being built to go along with the Motor City Casino.
The GM Building pictured here.
Because of the larger businesses in Detroit, many small businesses have had great success.
Pictured above is the famous Elwood Grill which was relocated not long after Comerica Park was opened.
Above and below the very popular sports bars Cheli's Chili and HockeyTown Cafe.

Detroit isn't doing nearly as bad as the media makes it sound. It does need a lot of work, but Detroit will be fine. Although they are moving slowly, they are still moving forward.
The Detroit Casinos are another huge part of Detroit. They provide a lot of jobs and the taxes from the casino really help the city of Detroit. the second picture is of the brand new hotel being built to go along with the Motor City Casino.
Because of the larger businesses in Detroit, many small businesses have had great success.
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